Project Overview

Health 24 is an e-commerce website for health supplements. One of the leaders in the Bulgarian markets.

Our Challenges


Anton Dimitrov came with the idea to build the website and relied fully on the support of Apptimist Studio. He wanted a completely custom and flexible solution with Discount Cards, coupons, grouped items and much more.


Our Solution

We came with a fully custom solution for their e-commerce requirements

Website with Python and Django framework
E-commerce website module with discounts codes and member cards
Mobile optimized version - 80% of the customers are coming from a mobile device, so we paid special effort into delivering great experience for mobile devices


Health24 became one of the leaders of the e-commerce health supplements in Bulgaria. Go check it out yourself at




B-HomeCare is a web platform dedicated to facilitate home care to those in need.

Health 24


An e-commerce website for sports supplements, Health24 became one of the leaders of the e-commerce health supplements in Bulgaria.

Coworking spaces

UX Research

A discovery UX research that helped to validate a startup idea. The findings determined user personas and journey maps, which informed the structure of the business services.

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